Underbody Protection Wax - UBS 240

UBS 240 is a durable underbody protection based on high-quality wax and very durable.
The product contains no aromatic components and is PVC compatible.
It also adheres in higher layer thicknesses to all body panels, axle parts, etc.
By using special high-quality components and additives, the product meets even the highest demands. UBS 240 also provides perfect protection against mechanical abrasion on endangered body parts, such as inner fenders, etc.
Even in thin layers, the product protects and remains water-repellent. After derusting with FERTAN Rust Converter, UBS 240 offers perfect protection against rust and corrosion.
UBS 240 is not overpaintable, but can be applied in thin layers, e.g. over painted subfloors, while remaining elastic and compensating for body twisting.
UBS 240 standard socket Processing
Shake can well before use or stir product well.
Due to the special viscosity, the product can also be easily applied at low temperatures with airless as well as commercially available guns.
Vehicles painted on the underbody can only be coated with a thin layer of UBS 240.
The result is an optically very attractive yet extremely stable and water-repellent protection.
If several layers are applied, apply UBS 240 in layers with a flash-off time of approx. 2 hours/20°C.
Even at high temperatures, the product can be optimally processed and does not drip.
The optimum application temperature and the temperature of the bodywork should be at least 20° C.
When used with a brush, heating in a water bath facilitates removal from the can and processing. Do not heat on stoves or other heat sources. Risk of explosion.
Do not cover or mask parts that are not to be coated, e.g. brakes, exhaust etc..
Observe safety instructions. Without adequate ventilation, explosive mixtures may form.
Working pressure
Underbody protection Suction cup Pistol approx. 5 – 9 bar
Pressure cup pistol with U-protection nozzle approx. 3 – 5 bar
Clean tools immediately after use with solvent and rinse.
Store product in cool and well ventilated rooms frost-free.
Several thin layers applied at intervals of 12 – 48 hours result in an extremely resistant, firmly bonded and homogeneous protective layer. Protect body seams and sheet metal overlaps before application with the seam-penetrating pre-treatment wax PREWAX to prevent contact corrosion in the long term.
Store product in a cool, but frost-free place.
UBS 240 Spray Processing
Shake well before use, after use upside down, spray valve cleanly.
The special viscosity makes the product very easy to apply even at low temperatures. The spray can also makes it possible to repair minor damage and repairs. Vehicles painted on the underbody can only be coated with UBS 240 in a thin layer. The result is an optically very attractive, yet extremely stable and water-repellent protection.
Even at high temperatures, the product can be optimally processed and does not drip. The optimum processing temperature and the body temperature should be at least 20° C.
Do not cover or mask parts that are not to be coated, e.g. brakes, exhaust etc.. Observe safety instructions. Without adequate ventilation, explosive mixtures may form.
Several thin layers applied at intervals of 12 – 48 hours result in an extremely resistant, firmly bonded and homogeneous protective layer. Protect body seams and sheet metal overlaps from application with the seam-penetrating pre-treatment wax PREWAX to prevent contact corrosion in the long term.